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[Idiom] Let the Cat Out of the Bag

Let the Cat Out of the Bag

Source from Youtube by [Free Spirit English]

English in a Minute - Let the Cat Out of the Bag

Source from Youtube by [intraxglobal

to let a secret out in the open
to allow something that is hidden to be revealed
to reveal something either by accident or as a surprise

Example Sentences
The Mason's let the cat out of the bag at the end minute. Until then nobody at the party knew about the performance by such a famous film star in a regular party.
I have let the cat out of the bag, there is no point pretending that this job is working out for me.
My boss did not let the cat out of the bag about the deal until all the relevant contracts were signed.
She let the cat out of the bag and finally told her parents about her plans of getting married.
Nobody in the market was supposed to know about Coca-Cola discount schemes, but the huge advertisement hoardings seems to have let the cat out of the bag.

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